Gradient 16 (detail)
Relief and monoprint
20 × 15"
For the Uncertainty Principle exchange curated and organized by Lenore Thomas and Sean Morrissey
I am an artist and educator working primarily in the expanded field of printmaking. My interests focus on the interaction of materials, process, and visual language of print. My work serves as a bridge, connecting innovative approaches with traditional ones.
I use a combination of analogue and digital tools and processes to form blocks, plates, and other matrices that I print by hand on a fine art press. For example, I often use laser cutters and computer-numerically-controlled (CNC) routers to make woodblocks and paper stencils, which are then inked and printed by hand. The iterative process of forming and manipulating materials with traditional, skill-based processes and innovative, open-ended explorations drives my practice and sustains my work.
Recently, I have begun to explore modular systems in my work, allowing me to pursue my love of modern and contemporary design, playfully exploring grid systems that allow me to rearrange, reconfigure, and re-use elements of my work in versatile, playful, and engaging ways.
New Work
Fregio Mecano 1 – 9
15 × 15" each
After Fregio Mecano, variation 2 A – C
Monoprint mounted on panel
6 × 6" each
After Fregio Mecano, variation 3 A – I
Monoprint mounted on panel
10 × 10" each
After Fregio Mecano, variation 7 A – I
Monoprint mounted on panel
10 × 10" each
After Fregio Mecano, variation 8 A – L
Monoprint mounted on panel
6 × 6" each
Lari Gibbons explores new and traditional approaches to printmaking through collaborative, interdisciplinary projects. She is a professor at the University of North Texas, where she teaches printmaking and led the professional fine art collaborative print workshop PRINT Press for a decade. Her work is published in numerous books, including Bill Fick and Beth Grabowski’s Printmaking: A complete guide to materials and processes; Lynne Allen and Phyllis McGibbon’s The Best of Printmaking: An international collection; and Ashley Rooney and Stephanie Standish’s Contemporary American Printmakers. She has had residencies at Banff Centre, Sitka Center for Art & Ecology, Penland School of Craft, and Ucross Foundation, among others.
Lari’s work as an educator has been recognized by Adobe and Southern Graphics Council International. She has led workshops at institutions such as Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and the Amon Carter Museum of Art.
Lari has presented at conferences including Mid America Print Council, Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance, International Mokuhanga Association, and Southern Graphics Council International, whose 2019 North Texas Conference she co-organized. Lari served as Editor of the Mid America Print Council Journal from 2010–13 and currently serves on MAPC’s Exhibition Committee. She is sought after frequently as a consultant in her areas of specialty, which include collaborative printing, intaglio, letterpress, monotype, relief, photopolymers, and post-digital applications such as CNC routing and laser cutting.
Lari received an MFA in Printmaking from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, where she studied under Karen Kunc, and a BA (Art History) from Grinnell College. She has taken numerous workshops — including lithography at Tamarind Institute under Rodney Hamon — and studied low-toxicity intaglio under Keith Howard and Elizabeth Dove.
Featured Demonstration
Engraving Plates with a CNC Router
Multiple Layers Conference
Southern Graphics Council International
Printmaking for All
This video series shows how to print alternative matrices with tools and materials that are repurposed, innovative, or nontraditional.
Select Highlights
Present – 2002
Professor of Art
Department of Studio, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
2019 – 11
Director, Print Research Institute of North Texas (PRINT Press)
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
PRINT Press was a comprehensive, collaborative fine art press offering professional-level training for students in book arts, intaglio, letterpress, litho (stone and plate), photo processes, relief and screen print. The 5,000 sq. ft. facility housed 8 presses, a darkroom, worktables, a framing/crating area and a collection of original works worth over $1M. Graduates and undergraduates at PRINT Press received invaluable, hands-on, professional experience working alongside distinguished visiting artists such as Alison Saar and Kiki Smith. The press also enabled students to connect with the industry and conduct research for companies like Gamblin Inks of Portland, Oregon.
• Hosted visiting artists and master printers, organized workshops, curated exhibitions and held special events for the university community and the general public.
• Produced editions and monoprints — often in the role of Master Printer — in collaboration with over a dozen distinguished visiting artists.
• Created and managed assistantships, part-time paid positions, internships and course credit projects.
• Oversaw the permanent collection of original works.
• Supervised the maintenance of equipment and facilities, including presses and consumables, plus major overhauls to the roof, skylights and HVAC system.
• Managed the budget and raised additional funds by securing grants, corporate sponsorships and private support, and marketing prints and subscriptions.
• Researched the feasibility of credit card transactions for the sale of prints.
• Built, authored and maintained the PRINT website, blog, social media channels and email marketing.
Two-Person Show, Complementary: Lari Gibbons & Janie Stidham –– forthcoming
Georgetown Arts Center, Georgetown, Texas
Co-Curator & Participant, Duets
Beatrice Haggerty Art Gallery, University of Dallas, Irving, Texas
Co-Curator: Christine Adame
Co-Curator & Participant, L.inking: Contemporary Woodblock Prints by Japanese and American Artists
Coppell Arts Center, Coppell, Texas
Co-Curators: Julianne Dao and Kazuko Goto
Solo Exhibition, Rising
Great Plains Art Museum, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
Curator, Integral: Post-Digital Printmaking
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Three-Person Exhibition, The Hand and The Machine
Sheehan Gallery, Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington
Solo Exhibition, Traces
Museum of Contemporary Art Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida
Solo Exhibition, Outgrowth
Juanita Harvey Art Gallery, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, Texas
Solo Exhibition, Passengers
Blue Star Contemporary Art Center, San Antonio, Texas
2022 – 21, 2017 – 16
Recipient, Artist’s Microgrant
Greater Denton Arts Council, Denton, Texas
Anderson Ranch Arts Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado
2020 – 19
Institute for the Advancement of the Arts Fellow
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
2019 – 18
Primary Investigator, Fine Art Series Grant
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Collaborator: Tracee Robertson, Gallery Director
Elizabeth Rubendall Artist-in-Residence
Great Plains Art Museum, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
2017 – 16
Primary Investigator, Community Grant
Greater Denton Arts Council, Denton, Texas
2016, 2014, 2013, 2010
Primary Investigator, Gallery Visiting Artist & Scholar Awards
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Adobe Design Achievement Award, Honorable Mention
Innovation in Traditional Media in Education category
2010 – 09
Primary Investigator, Research and Creativity Enhancement (RCE) Award
University of North Texas, Denton, Texas
Laser-Cut Jigsaw Woodblocks
Power of Print Conference
Mid America Print Council
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio
Panel Co-Chair, “Modified, Yet to be Verified” –– forthcoming
Southern Graphics Council International, Providence, Rhode Island
Co-Chair: Myles Calvert
Workshop Instructor, “Experimental Monoprint with Lasercutters”
Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Demonstration, “Engraving Plates with a CNC Router” — remote
Southern Graphics Council International
Demonstration, “Laser-Cut Jigsaw Woodblocks”
Mid America Print Council, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
Workshop Instructor, “Expanded Monoprint: Integrating the Laser Cutter”
Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine
Workshop Instructor, “Experimental Etching: CNC and intaglio printmaking”
Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Workshop Co-Instructor, “Mokuhanga: Japanese Woodblock”
Coppell Art Center, Coppell, Texas
Co-Instructors: Julianne Dao and Kazuko Goto
Presentation, “Mokuhanga Journey: Creating Intersections through Collaboration and Education” — remote
2021 International Mokuhanga Conference: Semi-Fusion
International Mokuhanga Association, Nara Prefecture Cultural Hall, Nara, Japan
Co-Presenters: Julianne Dao and Kazuko Goto
Workshop Instructor, “Monoprint for Makers: Using Laser-Cut Blocks” — remote
Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Visiting Artist
California State University at Stanislaus, Turlock, California
Workshop Instructor, “Monoprint for Makers”
Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Workshop Instructor, “Adult Workshop: Abstract Printmaking”
Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
Guest Artist, In Conjunction with “Goya in Black and White”
Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, Texas
Workshop Instructor, “Innovative Printmaking Methods”
Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Guest Lecture, “Maker Movement: Why We Are All Makers”
Perot Museum of Nature and Science, Dallas, Texas
Keynote Speaker & Visiting Artist
4th Symposium of the Rocky Mountain Printmaking Alliance
Washington State University, Pullman, Washington and University of Isaho, Moscow, Idaho
Workshop Instructor, “New Approaches to Monoprinting”
Anderson Ranch, Snowmass Village, Colorado
Panelist, “Studio Operations”
Southern Graphics Council International, Atlanta, Georgia
Workshop Instructor & Visiting Artist
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Panelist, “What STEM Learns from Us”
Southern Graphics Council International, Portland, Oregon
Visiting Artist
Murray State University, Murray, Kentucky
Visiting Artist
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas
Workshop Instructor & Visiting Artist, “Lasercutting for Post-Digital Applications”
Whitman College, Walla Walla, Washington
Panelist, “Finding Printmaking’s Place in an Interdisciplinary and Post-Digital World”
Mid America Print Council, Detroit, Michigan
Dibble, Jean. “Patterning: Laura Berman, Jean Gumpper, and Lari Gibbons,” Mid America Print Council Journal Vol. 28/29 (2020): pp. 46–48.
Tallman, Susan and Nancy Doll. Mirror, Mirror: The Prints of Alison Saar, Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation.
Fick, Bill and Beth Grabowski. Printmaking: A Complete Guide to Materials and Process, second edition, Prentice Hall.
Standish, Stephanie and Ashley Rooney. American Printmakers and Publishers, Atglen: Schiffer Publishing.
External Program Reviewer, Print Paper Book
Minneapolis College of Art and Design, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Reviewer, Arts Respond
Texas Commission on the Arts, Austin, Texas
Juror, Individual Artist Fellowship Panel, Works on Paper
Arkansas Arts Council, Little Rock, Arkansas
Consultant, Gamblin Relief Ink
Gamblin Artist’s Oil Colors, Portland Oregon
2024 – 23
Member, Mid America Print Council Exhibitions Committee
2019 – 16
Co-Chair, 2019 Southern Graphics Council International Conference
Southern Graphics Council International
Fairmont Dallas, Dallas, Texas; Brookhaven College, Farmers Branch, Texas; Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas; University of Dallas, Irving, Texas; University of North Texas, Denton, Texas; and University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Co-Chair: Nancy Palmeri. Steering Committee: David Newman, Rachel Livendalen, Steven Foutch
SGCI is the largest regional print organization in North America. Its annual conference is the largest yearly gathering in the field of printmaking. The 2019 conference attracted approximately 3,000 attendees to North Texas from the contiguous United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, South and Central America, and Europe.
• Authored the initial conference proposal, recruited participating academic institutions, created the Steering Committee and invited a co-chair.
• Developed the Calls & Submissions calendar and procedure for accepting proposals, organized adjudicators and wrote the copy used throughout the process.
• Guided conference Design & Identity and Communication across all channels — website, social media, email marketing, custom app, prospectus and swag — and edited all copy for the website and prospectus.
• Managed relations with the conference hotel regarding the contract, room assignments, set up, and audio/video and led some hotel and off-site catering tasks.
• Oversaw the overall conference programming encompassing 23 demos at 5 institutions, 31 official exhibitions throughout North Texas, 7 round table discussions, a print exchange with 231 registered participants, mentor sessions with 41 mentors and approximately 150 mentees, 9 mobile events, an open portfolio with 384 participants, 8 panel discussions, a silent auction, 24 special events, 13 themed portfolios, a vendor fair with 88 tables, 3 workshops, the first-ever opening orientation, plus the Awards & Members Celebration with keynote address, 15 international awards, catered banquet and live entertainment for an estimated 500 attendees.
• Recruited 22 sponsors including American Airlines, Amon Carter Museum, Dallas Museum of Art, Jordan Schnitzer Family Foundation, Kimbell Art Museum, L.A. Louver Gallery, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, Nasher Sculpture Center, and Talley Dunn Gallery.
2019 – 18
Member, Southern Graphics Council International Awards Committee
2013 – 10
Editor, Mid America Print Council Journal
Mid America Print Council
The Mid America Print Council Journal is a biannual publication featuring articles on the contemporary and historical context of printmaking, works on/of paper, drawing and book arts; essays examining the critical theory related to these media; and reviews of exhibitions and publications. It is distributed to MAPC members, institutions and art organizations in the United States, Canada, Denmark and New Zealand.
• Established the theme and direction of each issue; solicited, commissioned and edited articles and artwork; and oversaw production and circulation.
• Founded a six-member Advisory Committee and developed on-demand, cloud-based printing, an online submission process, online review process, plus circulation and readership profiles.
If you’d like to propose a workshop or collaboration, this form is the best way to reach me. Please briefly describe the scope, timing, location and other relevant details below.